Item Code: Y1645-Y31895
Turquoise is a gemstone that looks dazzling and is considered an ultimate possession for any gemstone hoarder. But if your dream to own a turquoise is still far off, for now, you should consider Howlite, a gemstone that has amazing metaphysical properties and on the exterior looks a lot like Howlite. This gemstone is most popularly dyed blue to resemble turquoise. It is also dyed red to resemble Coral. The beauty of Howlite is that its light veining structure makes it look a lot like Turquoise and in many cases also like Coral. That’s the reason why it can so easily be dyed and duplicated to be a Turquoise or Coral. Howlite is essentially composed of hydrous calcium borate and has cauliflower-like heads. This mineral is often...
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