No matter how much hard work you put into your endeavors but if you are not absolutely focused, the results will be disappointing in the end! Therefore, you need to have the right balance and complete focus. Following the same philosophy, Gemexi has come up with a specific category of loose gemstones called 'Balance & Focus'. Our gemstones under this collection are the ones that will help you enhance your focus skills. They will also aid in clearing your confusions and will contribute in making better decisions too. Helping you achieve the right balance of your chakras, our gemstones will help you in every possible way for a better concentration power. Explore our surprisingly beautiful range of Azurite in Quartz, Azurite Malachite and other gemstones in the 'Balance & Focus' collection and include these beautiful gemstones in your life. We are sure that taking help of our amazing gemstones will not only aid in improving your focus and balance but they will also contribute towards your success. Our gemstones under this category are full of delightful healing properties and balance energies so that you can concentrate on every act and work that you do. Use these gemstones and witness the positive change in your focus abilities.