
Fordite - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

While most of the stones acquire their color, shape, and other properties from nature – the Fordite stone is an exclusion for this. In case, you are not familiar with this name, here is the right place to know. 

The world’s favorite stone has an interesting story waiting for you to know. Yes, the patterned colors that are seen in the Fordite stone are formed in an interesting manner which would surely leave you astonished.
This rarest gemstone is famous for the patterns of colors that show up. The beauty that each of these gemstones has is truly amazing. It is this beauty which makes them an appropriate choice for molding them into amazing pieces of ‘Fordite jewelry'! And yes, there can be none that doesn’t like these patterned gemstones. 

The history or the story of these gemstones dates back to 1930’s, which is quite a lot. In precise, it can be said that human activities are the primary source of origin of these gemstones. Today, there are ‘n’ numbers of jewelry makers who are competing to make attractive pieces of jewelry with the rare Fordite stones. Here is why! 

Healing Properties

This unique pattern gemstone has numerous healing properties. It aids the protection of healthy eyesight in any person. There are people that use Fordite stone to avoid pollution caused due to the dust particles. 

It must also be noted that this patterned gemstone needs to be kept away to the following people to avoid any complications. They were infants, pregnant women, elderly that have breath issues. This is because the Fordite stones are formed with enamel paints which can act as toxins on the above mentioned class of people. Thus, it is better to avoid the contact of the Fordite to prevent anything worst. Because it is said ‘prevention is better than cure'. 

Fordite Facts

How Fordite was found - Here, is the most interesting part! Studies reveal that these gemstones were primarily found in the car factory of Ford. This is what that might surprise a lot of people. The facts say that the Fordite stone was seen in the workshop where cars were hand sprayed. 
How Fordite got formed - While the cars were sprayed, naturally there is a portion of it falling on the floors. Those portions of paint that fell on the ground formed into patterns while the cars were exposed to some heat for hardening of the paint. Thus, the paint on the floors also hardened along with the car paint. But, the stone only caught the eyes of the workers when they had set out to clean up the entire workshop. 
The attraction of Fordite - Taking a closer look at the patterned stone made them attracted towards their beauty. Some of the workers further went with cutting, polishing and moulding the stone. The resultant was even more beautiful, they said. 
Thus, this beautiful patterned stone was named ‘Fordite’ and it came into light in front of the world. Various other car workshops or factories found patterned stones underneath the car's spraying areas. Most of the workers took these beautiful pieces home. Their families too were in love with the Fordite gemstones. 

Metaphysical Properties

Flexibility - The one prominent metaphysical property of cordite is the flexibility that it gets in one's life. It helps in adjusting and being flexible good with the life's circumstances. The adaptability to change is one promising characteristic of the Fordite gemstone. This patterned gemstone is mostly preferred by the people that tend to see a lot of career changes and drifts. 
Self-exploration - It aids in getting out and exploring the unexplored side of a person. Thus, making life worth living and loving. Helps majority in getting to know the hidden talent that each has. In simple, it is an extended helping hand that volunteers one’s drifts in life. 
Enhancing patience - Another important property of the Fordite gemstone is the number of patients that it boasts in a person. When the difference between a person wearing a Fordite gemstone and a person not wearing is observed, it is shown that the person wearing a piece of jewelry made with Fordite showed much patience and flexibility. 

Fordite In News

Fordite Color

Earlier in the 1930’s, the cars were painted in beautiful elegant colours and so, there are many colors seen on the Fordite gemstones. Each of the colors that formed patterns was beautifully outlined with grey, which is a defining factor. 

One can see as many as 7 to 8 colors on a Fordite gemstone. Each of the Fordite stone slags is furthermore put to processing such of polishing extensively, cutting and jewelry making. 

The pieces of jewelry that are made out of the Fordite stones have a high demand. This is because, as the time passed, the colors on the cars changed, too. In fact, the modern day cars are seen with standard set of colors on them. 

Thus, the Fordite gemstones have become the rarest of the rare that see a huge demand. It is told that there must be a huge number of slags lying with people that hardly recognize the uniqueness and demand of it. 

Some of the jewelry makers have stepped ahead in trying to create Fordite stone patterns artificially. It can be said that not many were successful in creating the unique patterns of Fordite. 

  • Cleavage
  • Other Names
  • Crystal Habit
  • Streak
  • Refractive Index
  • Diaphaneity
  • Mohs scale (hardness)
  • Sources
  • Chemical formulaNA
  • Lustre
  • Color
  • Chakra HealingNA
  • Birthstone
  • Zodiac
Write Comments
  • sophie molly
    Jan 24, 2019, 12:26:49 AM

    \nI wanted to buy Fordite and I got it from Gemexi ; I am in love with this stone it has upgraded my jewel box .\n

  • seneroita
    Jun 4, 2019, 4:35:56 AM

    what a unique trendy gemstone..thank you gemexi

  • kathy
    Aug 6, 2019, 9:34:59 PM

    The healing properties of this stone are so much beneficial.

  • Eric
    Sep 18, 2019, 9:45:17 PM

    A very beautiful collection!

  • Abbott
    Nov 20, 2019, 11:01:31 PM

    Amazing fordite jewelry collection, So pretty!!

  • James
    Mar 7, 2022, 11:59:39 AM

    This jewelry is so beautiful with some multicolors, suits with all my dresses. thank you for this beauty.

    Mar 9, 2022, 9:25:23 AM

    Thankyou for shopping with us and sharing your detailed review. We are glad to know that you loved the jewelry and had a great experience. We are happy to assist you again..:)

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