Gemstone Jewelry For Cough

Coughing is no big deal but if it stays for more than 21 days, it can turn into a serious condition. There are various types of cough depending on how long it remains. There are numerous reasons behind the coughs. Sometimes, people start coughing and take it as a regular cough instead of treating it with medication. But what they do not realise is that it is a sign of a major problem in the body.


There are various causes for coughing. Some are temporary while others are permanent. The main causes are:
  1. Mucus Development In Throat

It is necessary to clear your throat consistently. If you do not do so, the mucus might be developed and the problem of cough develops because of that. This kind of coughing is not common and might make you vulnerable in front of irritants like smoke.
  1. Bacteria or Virus

Bacterial and viral infections are also considerable reasons for coughing. The most common symptoms of these infections are cold, flu and cough. Coughs that are caused because of infection tend to take a longer period to heal and also require antibiotics. 
  1. Smoking

People who are heavy smokers may suffer from severe coughing. Eventually, it will get chronic with a different sound that is caused due to coughing.
  1. Asthma

Asthma patients usually suffer from coughing every now and then. Coughing induced by asthma may include wheezing and breathing difficulties. An inhaler is the best and an instant treatment at in such cases.
  1. Medicine

There are medicines that have some unusual side effects that can be a cause of coughing and other physical problems. Medications prescribed for heart conditions and high blood pressure can cause coughing. 

Healing Gemstones For Cough

There are various gemstones that help in getting relief from a cough that tends to last too long. Although they take time in curing it entirely but definitely help you in getting rid of an annoying cough. The therapeutic gemstones that are highly effective in cough are discussed below.
  1. Amber 

Amber gemstone is a potential cleanser, detoxer, and a great natural antibiotic. It helps in boosting the immune system. This gemstone is made of petrified tree resin and therefore, it is linked with our solar plexus and our lungs. Hence, it is beneficial for relieving from cough, heavy chest, and blocked nose. Not only does it cure cough but it also looks magnificent if worn in the form of gemstone silver jewelry.
  1. Aquamarine

For people who are suffering from ghastly cough and heavy chest, aquamarine gemstone helps them in getting some relief. It works like magic if you place it on your chest and the hollow of your throat. When people have a cough, they have excess fluids filled in their lungs. This therapeutic crystal is associated with the element of water and has cooling as well as healing effects on your body. It helps in getting rid of excessive mucus which develops because of coughing from the body.
  1. Topaz

This magnificent crystal is widely known for its cooling and healing properties. It helps in soothing the uneasiness and other issues that get developed in the body because of cough. It helps in bringing power and strength to the body to combat other diseases. 

If you have ever had a bad cough that just wouldn’t go away, you must also know how irritating and frustrating it can be. But with the help of this list that we have compiled just for you, you can now get rid of a cough in no time. Apart from this, you can also look through our collection and buy yourself beautiful gemstone jewelry for cough.
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