Petalite Rough - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

Petalite rough is one of the most beautiful stones in the Petalite group. Petalite rough is a popular gemstone in use against various evil forces of nature. It is one of the most effective remedies in restoring and re-energizing yourself. Petalite stones are useful in guarding your home against all the evil spirits that roam. 

Petalite rough is useful if you happen to be a traveler and often undertake adventure activities. When it comes to spiritual aspects, Petalite will protect all your beliefs. That is, it will never let the truth not happen and disappoint you. White is said to signify the feminine. So Petalite will help you get a similar pack of fortunes. 


Where is Petalite Rough found?

Sources of Petalite are too few, and many industry stalwarts opine the supply is likely to exhaust in the forthcoming few years. The mineral is a source of lithium, it is found in stones like kunzite, tourmalines, and tourmaline. Petalite occurs in granite pegmatite rocks that have crystals formed across the structure. These rocks are formed as a consequence of volcanic activity.

You can get this gemstone anywhere in the world. However, Petalite rough occurs in Sweden (in Uto), Greenwood Maine San Diego country, North Bonneville (all in the United States), Brazil, Londonderry in Australia, Karibib in Namibia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Russia. Of course, in different parts of the globe different varieties of the stone might be sourced. 


Healing Properties

Petalite is known as an excellent gemstone for its properties of giving vibration and bringing a balance in the body. It has for long been used as a potent weapon against black magic and other evil intended energies. Petalite brings a great relationship in the spiritual world. The stone can protect you against all the negative energy that real around you. 

It is said that Petalite rough will bring you the faculty with which you can perceive what is happening without hearing and seeing. Thus, it imparts the divine quality of the reasonable things beforehand.

Petalite can be used in treating the conditions like ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), excessive anxiety, stressful situations, and ego that is harmful to all. 

It is said to be a great tool in the treatment of HIV and cancer and ailments involving the endocrine system. Petalite benefits in hard conditions in cells, lungs, spasms in the muscles and the intestine. 

When you are re in a state of mania, the gemstone can help you get cool. 

Petalite rough has been in use in healing for families since the ancestors. It plays a significant role because it can act in advance before the misfortune strikes you. 

Petalite boosts your psychology

When it comes to dealing with emotional situations, it is important to note that Petalite is a tremendous helping aid. It heals all emotional traumas that strike you. This attribute makes the gemstone a great one. 

You can protect your children with Petalite against abuse or for children who are unable to cope with the bullying situation. 

Petalite helps in children by raising the self-dignity. This is because of the lithium that the gemstone contains. 

The lithium content in the gemstone enables Petalite to keep all the emotions in a delicate balance and helps reduce sudden changes in mood. The stone prompts you to looks for assistance from a divine source which will make you feel safe and secure. 

Health benefits

Petalite has been in use for ages as a great healer to cure ailments. It is an essential aid in family curing HIV and cancers. The gemstones healing quality can go long to alleviate the pain because of a tumor, and it can also lead to better vision in the eyes, the better flexibility of the muscles, and help build and repair cells. 

It can also play a significant role in keeping the blood pressure at within a safe level. Diverse problems eyes can even be cured with the gemstone. 

It can strengthen the functionality of the digestive system as a whole, and clean up the lungs. 

Fastens your wealth

Petalite is a rare gemstone which can lead to the significant growth of wealth and income and dramatically improve your financial fortunes by availing the opportunities smartly. The gemstone will promote you to invest your money in things, for yourself (to make you more competitive in the market), and invest in other people.

The gemstone will make you better adapted and flexible for the continuously changing emerging marketing scenario in a severe or challenging financial situation.


Petalite Rough Facts

Petalite is also named cassiterite. 
It is said the gemstone was discovered in 1800 AD 
Chemically it is a silicate of mineral of the Lithium-aluminium.
The name Petalite comes from a word meaning a leaf – the green part of a tree.  
Petalite is a vital source of lithium and occurs in nature in the crystal form. Despite colourless the stone pieces can great pieces of jewelry. 
The first significant economic applications of Petalite involved using it as a primary material for glass-ceramic ware for cooking. 
Petalite is also called castor - this is because it occurs in myths. The gemstone is said to have been discovered in Italy. During the middle of the 19th century, the gem was named as per the name of the Roman and Greek deity Pollux. Pollux is a son of Zeus' sons. At the same time, it was another mineral discovered called castorite as per the name of the Castor, the twin born to Pollux.

Metaphysical Properties

Metaphysical Properties

Petalite has been found to be a great aid in fixing the spiritual world. Petalite makes your emotions sooth and brings you a much better feeling. 

Petalite is the best tool for fixing emotional injury – it is a sign of great value in case of treating victims of abuse. Whether it is children, women or any other age group or category, emotional trauma that they suffer as a result of violence cannot be put into words. Petalite will help such people out by soothing al the emotional injuries. It will work as a bulwark for such children/people by playing the role of a protective tool for winning abuse. 

Petalite calms your mind down

Petalite is a gemstone for people who cannot stay focused on a point at a point in time. When you have the gemstone-studded in jewelry, it will make you think of the world from the standpoint of a person with a broad mindset. By doing so, the person is likely to get calmed and can divert his energy and effort toward the task without manifestation. 

Petalite can enable the wearer to predict the future by allowing them to visualize what is going to happen soon in the hours/days to come. 

Keeps your mind in balance it is one of the best 

Petalite is a stone that helps you keep your mind balanced. It will help you have a clear idea of what you are going to do with respect to how in reality it works. 

Combats negative energy

This is a potent gemstone that helps tackle various evil energies vibrations that are likely to harm you or your loved ones (e.g., black magic, voodoo, etc.). If you use Petalite in meditation, it is expected to bring you the best results. It will help you get the peace of mind, and you will feel the serene solitude.  It can help you in getting a visual idea of the wellbeing of other people. 

Petalite will help you stay calm during troubled times, and you will not take a decision in haste, which is likely to avoid major disasters at the moment or later. 

A great aid in meditation

When it comes to soothing your mind by meditation, Petalite will of great help. It will accelerate the change of the brain from a state of ego to a level of consciousness that is all sweeping. The stone can be used to boost your sense of getting links to all. Further, even after the session of medication, the positive impact continues to be apparent in the person. Thus, the gemstone is a helpful town in making the person’s self-being aware of the core. 

Petalite – tool to help activates you from inside

It is a significant aspect of personality. Petalite is an excellent aid in helping you reach a higher level of mental consciousness. You will be able to learn to get your mind accustomed to your emotions. If you perceive you are unable to communicate effectively, Petalite will help you by activating your relationship to a higher level. It will help you by strengthening the ties to a higher level of consciousness. It thus helps enable communication from the top level and other spiritual leadership levels. 

A spiritual stone

Petalite is said to be one of the best – spiritual gemstones thanks to the divine effects that it brings in its wake to the wearer. It happens because it can lead to excellent knowledge and brings spiritual salvation. It is stone that enables you to protect yourself against all the evil forces that tend to surround you to harm you. 

Petalite will nurture relationships

The gemstone aids you in realizing the values of emotions as required. It brings you the peace of mind from the existing relationships by enabling better communication, a closer look, and careful reconsideration. You will have the peace from inside you.

The gemstone will enable you to learn a great lesson from each of the challenges that confront you in your relationships. It will cut down the intensity of strong feeling because of bad luck because of the adverse actions that you performed in the remote past. 

You will learn to control your emotions. It is likely to help you in keeping yourself sane even in extremely challenging situations. 

Petalite will reduce the adverse effect of resentment, fear, sense of guilt, anger. It will help you stay focused on making a firm resolve in this respect. You will be in a balanced state even when the situation is not exceptional. You will be able to stay in calm without losing your focus. 

Petalite can boost your personality

The gemstone is a great personality booster. It is in the sense that regardless of whether you are an independent professional, an employee, or an independent thinker, Petalite will come to the aid for you in each situation in your career, and life. It will take care of all this by getting your personality shaped according to the challenge of the situation. So, you may bring your home a piece of the gemstone, and it will work such that all the negative forces that are working against your will secretly will vanish. You will be amazed at the effect. The negative forces will go even without your knowledge. You will realize the positive impact of the gemstone over time.


Petalite Rough In News

Petalite Rough Color

Petalite rough is found in many locations across the world. The color of the stone might be varying. It may be merely colorless crystal clear, or yellow, pink, white, green, grey, or yellowish. The pink variety is said to be the most common.

  • CleavagePerfect, in one direction, Poor, in one direction
  • Other NamesCastorite, Pollucite
  • Crystal Habit
  • StreakWhite
  • Refractive Index1.504-1.516Â
  • DiaphaneityTransparent - translucent
  • Mohs scale (hardness)6-6.5
  • SourcesSweden,United States, Italy,Brazil,Zimbabwe,Namibia,Afghanistan
  • Chemical formulaLiAlSi4O10
  • LustreVitreous
  • ColorColorless, Gray, Yellow, Pink, Very Light Green
  • Chakra HealingThroat Chakra,Heart chakra,Crown Chakra
  • Birthstone
  • Zodiac
Write Comments
  • maria
    Nov 11, 2018, 10:40:47 PM

    Hey...the healing properties of this gemstone is quite impressive. Wish to see the jewelry soon

  • lisa
    Jun 2, 2019, 10:23:35 PM

    This stone helps my son in boosting his personality..thanks gemexi

  • margheita
    Aug 5, 2019, 9:44:22 PM

    Very unique and different it so much.

  • elli
    Sep 18, 2019, 1:06:09 AM

    Awesome healing properties...!

  • Rupert
    Nov 14, 2019, 10:23:12 PM

    Beautiful petalite rough jewelry.

  • Layla
    Jun 24, 2021, 8:39:04 AM

    I got exactly what I wanted. Very happy with my purchase. Petalite Rough is such an effective stone. Thank you!

    Jun 24, 2021, 9:27:53 AM

    Kayla, Thank you so much for your kind words.

  • Jenna king
    May 12, 2022, 6:29:42 AM

    Can this crystal be in sun/water

    May 20, 2022, 5:53:26 AM

    Thankyou Jenna for reaching out to us. I would like to let you know that the crystal can be in sun or water. Hope to assist you again..:)

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